
Adapt… and get through this

Published by Maggie Pronto


21 April 2020

As I sit here in my newly established home office that the kids are also sharing - I wanted to pull us away from the one topic that has had more screen time than Chuck Norris and has consumed our daily lives over the past few weeks and counting.

But then I thought – it may seem rather insensitive of me to just pretend that we are not in this physical distancing, business (un)usual, global rebalancing space or InsertNewTermHere.

So rather than play ostrich I will add to the topic – I will navigate this new reality, looking at it through a different lens – one that has inspired community, innovation and a renewed sense of Ubuntu as a new chapter of our human experience. I’ve noticed a few categories that have stood out.

Innovate : to make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.

There are a few brands that have re-purposed their existing means of business. Some are developing new products and others are extending into categories that you may not have associated them with in the past.

Collaborate : to work jointly on an activity or project.

Some services have had the infrastructure but were not seen as essential – what better way for brands to evolve than to join forces and assist in a time of need?

Ubuntu : humanity / I am because we are.

Responses have come from near and far with many brands heeding the call with hand on heart, standing up and being counted.

Human experience : the realities of human existence include the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical characteristics of human life.

We may be physically contained but that hasn’t stopped some brands, companies, artists and the man in the street from coming together to allow our spirits to roam “free”.

Seems I may need to re-evaluate the shared sleeping/living arrangements as there has been KnockingOnTheDoor – if there is one thing that we have learnt over the past few weeks is that one must remain agile and adapt to what is required and that if we stand together we will most definitely #GetThroughThis #StrongerTogether